This is an addendum to my previous post..Since writing last I've learned from some of my very well informed friends that the aforementioned "Dreams" fragrance I referenced is available after all. This is huge news for me because that scent brings back memories of some of my happiest times...It is a rich, warm, slightly floral-y, slightly spicy, yet light perfume oil that reminds me of a simpler time. The scent was concocted, along with many other irresistible flavors (China Rain, Fig, Amber..Some favorites too) at the original Homebody on Melrose Avenue in the heart of West Hollywood. They offered all their fragrances in oil form as well as in lotions and bath oils. Homebody was the apothecary "du jour" and stayed so for what seems like forever. In fact it was just the 80's...A happy time for me at least..When life's responsibilities seemed less daunting. I wore it throughout those years and always received compliments on the scent. My biggest concerns back then were grades (..high school, then college) or where my group of friends would go to dinner on the weekend or whose house we would sit poolside on any given summer Sunday. I therefore associate those carefree days with that very specific smell. Now you can order the same scents at http://www.spiritbody.com or call in an order at 800-838-5507. Thanks ladies for the great news...and the memories.
Hi - It's only me commenting on my own post...but had to mention that I received my "Spiritbody" order the other day and was so happy to confirm it IS the same - Homebody lives!....not that I didn't believe them...well, suppose I needed to see for myself...the Dreams is definitely my "old" dreams...and I was happy to give my Mom the Amber which I know she loved so much!!!!!...yeah!